I Keep Stealing …

But not in the way you might imagine.

I have a friend who gave me a good idea for a smaller writing assignment — one of those things that might work if I’m in an environment that wants three umbrella writing projects.  Or one I might use no matter what environment I’m in.

The piece involves the students writing brief snippet/summaries for the purposes and advantages of certain databases (i.e. EBSCO, JSTOR, and the like).  The students had to choose four based on what they were interested in, create their summaries, and then share with a peer.  AND THEN that peer had to share with the instructor.  I love that the students are getting this information a couple of times, and the make-up for the assignment/in-class activity hits on developing information literacy through practices that work (giving the students responsibility, having them access information in multiple ways and format).  Even better, the assignment shows them what specific information is also available at their fingertips, but better fits with what professors want when they say to use “sources.”

I told him I’m stealing his idea, which, interestingly enough, was built off an idea that another friend and I came up with for a five-week ENGL 1010 course.

Collaboration rocks!!

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Movies. Books. Plays. Songs. Teaching. History. Politics. Photographs. Paintings. Movements. Thinkers. Writers. Creators. Designers. I learn and write and learn some more.

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